Proof reading and proof correction in a wedding invitation card is the most important finalizing aspect of designing and printing an invitation card. We do offer proof reading and proof correction as complimentary services.

However, it is best to ensure that you proof correct your card without any sort of mistakes before printing so that you can present your friends with a perfect invitation card. Below, we have listed a few points to remember while proofing your card. Read carefully and follow the given steps:

Ensure that the bride’s and groom’s name, initials, surnames, academic qualification, designation, name of their employer, etc. are entered correctly in the proof.

Ensure that the bride’s and groom’s parents, family members, relatives, friends and colleagues or whoever need to be mentioned are mentioned in proof.

Ensure that all the information you wanted to present through the images, text and wordings are presented correctly in the proof (in the card, cover and in the respective languages as Tamil, English, etc.).

Check whether all the information on the date, time and venue are entered correctly in the proof.

Read each and every word aloud to spot any spelling or grammatical mistakes and correct them promptly before resubmitting the final proof.

If either or both of the bride’s and or groom’s families desire to make any changes while reading the proof, let us know of the changes to make to get them included in the final proof.

Please take sufficient time and readings before turning in the final proof, as changes cannot be made once the proof goes into the printing process.

If you follow all the steps above correctly, it will save a lot of time and effort and prevent wastage to help us deliver a complete and perfect invitation card for your wedding and all other occasions!

We do have an internal proof reading and proof correction process, where we spot the mistakes in advance and notify you. However, discrepancies and mismatch in information between what is intended to be conveyed and what is on paper are likely to occur.

Hence, it is important that you take time out to read and present us with the final proof as well. Though we ready the proof, the final print-ready proof must come from the customer only.

Please also note that as we begin the printing process immediately after submission of final proof, changes desired to be made, after the beginning of the printing process, cannot be made on the invitation cards already printed.

The customer will also have to bear the cost of printing of the cards already printed without the new changes made. This will also result in the delay of the printing process and your delivery will also be rescheduled.


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